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Overcoming Barriers to Enterprise AI Adoption — Insights from Cloudera’s 2024 Survey

IT leaders are revisiting their data architectures to adopt and leverage artificial intelligence (AI), but most find they are met with common barriers.   Cloudera’s report, The State of Enterprise AI and Modern Data Architectures, is a global survey of 600 IT leaders regarding AI. It dives into how organizations view the technology in relation to their environment, the barriers they face preventing AI adoption at scale, and their biggest concerns with AI. It is no secret that AI has incredible p...

The Top 5 Approaches to AI Data Privacy

While proper use case selection, data quality, and ethical responsibility remain important considerations for employing generative AI (GenAI) apps in your data community, data privacy is still the most critical criterion and essential concern. For most of us the question isn’t whether we will deliver AI applications, but using which approach, or with which architecture. There are a myriad of options to answer those questions, but ultimately, the relative need for data privacy is what will dictat

Your CEO Gets in the Elevator – You Have 22 Floors to Articulate Your Value to the Organization

No pressure. If the topic were your kids or last night’s game, there wouldn't be any pressure, but do you know your value to the company? How do you define and quantify it? How do you articulate it? For one type of CDAO, this will be an easy elevator ride — the CDAO who understands that the value of a data leader is measured by the business value that data and analytics generate across the enterprise. That CDAO continually tracks the success of the company as a whole and can confidently quantify

Pandora’s Box or Lockbox? The Top 3 Barriers to Implementing Generative AI

Months ago a seminal event occurred in industries around the globe that is causing disruption and displacement. Aspirants are positioning themselves to be leaders and unsuspecting dominators are scurrying to catch up so they won’t be left behind. The event was merely an answer to an urgent question that companies gave or failed to give: how will we use AI to our competitive advantage?

A friend of mine launched LLMs to monitor regulatory changes so he can be the first to be compliant; afterall,

Top 5 Lessons Learned from CDAOs Successfully Implementing GenAI

As reported by Gartner in 2023, out of the 70% of organizations exploring generative AI, only 19% had piloted or productionalized models. Although 68% of those executives believed that the benefits outweigh the risks, Gartner Group Chief of Research and Distinguished Analyst Frances Karamouzis cautioned, “Initial enthusiasm for a new technology can give way to more rigorous analysis of risks and implementation challenges. Organizations will likely encounter a host of trust, risk, security, priva

The Disconnect Between IT and the Business

Ask the business what IT does and you might hear "they implement infrastructure, write software, and migrate things to cloud," and for some that might be the extent of their knowledge of IT. Similarly, IT might know that the business "markets and sells and develops product," but they may not know what those functions entail beyond the unit they serve the most.

The disconnect is understandable because individuals in IT and the business have different skills,

5 Gründe, warum Unternehmen einen CDO brauchen

Viele Unternehmen haben sich in dieser Hinsicht auf punktuelle Lösungen für die Datenverwaltung und -analyse verlegt. Während solche Tools bei der schnellen Lösung spezifischer Datenprozesse effektiv sein können und die Illusion einer schnelleren Wertschöpfung vermitteln, schaffen sie in Wirklichkeit mehr Komplexität und erhöhen die Ausgaben, einschließlich der Vorlaufkosten für das Onboarding der Tools sowie für ihre Integration in das IT-Ökosystem. Fast drei Viertel (74 Prozent) der deutschen

5 Gründe, warum Unternehmen einen CDO brauchen

Viele Unternehmen haben sich in dieser Hinsicht auf punktuelle Lösungen für die Datenverwaltung und -analyse verlegt. Während solche Tools bei der schnellen Lösung spezifischer Datenprozesse effektiv sein können und die Illusion einer schnelleren Wertschöpfung vermitteln, schaffen sie in Wirklichkeit mehr Komplexität und erhöhen die Ausgaben, einschließlich der Vorlaufkosten für das Onboarding der Tools sowie für ihre Integration in das IT-Ökosystem. Fast drei Viertel (74 Prozent) der deutschen

CDO dringend gesucht - Desperately seeking CDO

Viele Unternehmen haben sich in dieser Hinsicht auf punktuelle Lösungen für die Datenverwaltung und -analyse verlegt. Während solche Tools bei der schnellen Lösung spezifischer Datenprozesse effektiv sein können und die Illusion einer schnelleren Wertschöpfung vermitteln, schaffen sie in Wirklichkeit mehr Komplexität und erhöhen die Ausgaben, einschließlich der Vorlaufkosten für das Onboarding der Tools sowie für ihre Integration in das IT-Ökosystem. Fast drei Viertel (74 Prozent) der deutschen

Is the CDAO a Tech Leader or a Business Leader? (5 Vital Questions for Every Data Leader)

As tech leaders, we have the luxury of being laser-focused on departmental goals that are fully aligned with data strategy but as business leaders, our sphere of influence widens and our depth of field extends beyond the department. Our shared service organizations become characters in a larger drama so we cannot be content to merely meet quarterly objectives.

Many of us may not be directly accountable for achieving corporate objectives but we certainly are more than mere facilitators. As busin

The CDAO Art of Storytelling

“My CDO has a lot of resources, but I don’t get much out of them. I’m not sure what value they really provide.”

If you’ve never heard murmurs like these, you’re either awesome or beyond earshot of the rumor mill.

In a previous life, before I was a chief data officer (CDO), I was a screenwriter (that’s a common career path, right?). As a screenwriter, I told stories to get films made. As a CDO, I tell stories with data to demonstrate real business value before the rumor mill starts.


Data Governance: Simple and Practical

In 2022, the global data governance market grew to $3.2 billion, a figure that’s dwarfed by the significant cost to operate data governance programs. In spite of the spend, many programs fail to generate high business value because they lack practicality and simplicity: the art of maximizing the amount of work not done.

Where data governance programs often get off track is right before they get on, by defining the charter and roadmap too broadly. The key question is which elements of a data gov


